Closing of dilated vessels

Appearance of dilated blood vessels::

This process consists of many different factors (in women what most often happens is the effect of estrogen on the capillary muscles). The first clinical symptom is redness of the so-called erythema. Initially, erythema passes, but over time it becomes permanent and remains permanent. As a consequence, clear, permanently dilated blood vessels are formed. They are visible through the epidermis. We call such changes telangiectasia.

Permanently dilated capillaries of the subpapillary plexus of skin, which are visible through the epidermis in the form of red “filaments”. In extreme cases, they may closely adhere to each other, so that they give a picture of uniform redness.

The incorrect skin care and ill-chosen cosmetics may exacerbate its “vascular character”.

Description of the procedure::

Light energy emitted from the laser is absorbed by red blood pigment, i.e. haemoglobin, and the blood “congeal” and destroys from the inside the wall of blood vessel. After some time, the vessel is automatically removed from the body. To close all broken blood vessels, you usually need between 1 and 3 treatments performed within a few months. It depends on: the number, diameter and colour of the vessels and the depth of their position. To close all the broken blood vessels, you usually need between 1 and 5 treatments performed within a few months.

Post-treatment recommendations::

You should use mild and unscented cosmetics intended for capillary skin, which contain ingredients such as vitamin K, chestnut extract or mountain arnica. In addition, creams with UVA and UVB filters (50 SPF) are also essential; creams with vitamin K, moisturizing creams and lipid;

After the treatment, skin exposure to the sun and sudden temperature changes should be avoided. Therefore, the autumn and winter are the best periods to perform treatments.

Time of incapacity for work::

There is no need to stop working.

Duration of the procedure:  15-60 minutes depending on the area
Type of anaesthesia: not required
Required tests:  not required
Duration of stay in the clinic:  not required
Contraindications to the treatment: pregnancy, diabetes, use of photosensitizing medicines, herbal calendula drink, St. John’s wort, sage, tanned skin and IV, V and VI type of skin, use of anticoagulants (medicines that reduce blood clotting), coagulation disorders, keloids tendency.


The incidence of angiomas is the highest in the period of the earliest childhood and gradually decreases with age. This disorder appears more often in females.

Causes:: the essence of creation of angiomas is the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells. Most angiomas undergo two stages of development: proliferation and involution. Angiomas can accompany genetically conditioned diseases that carry dangerous complications (Rendu-Osler-Weber disease, von Hippel and Lindau disease).

Symptoms: : nangiomas are most often located within the scalp and neck. Superficial angiomas are in the form of vivid points, most often slightly elevated, usually about 1-3 mm in diameter. The deeper ones shine blue through the skin. Another form of angiomas are angiomas of the porto wine character. They are rare, usually on one side of the body.

Treatment: fter partial limitation of the angioma, residual lesions can be effectively removed with a laser.