During the procedure, the laser delivers pulses in the form of microbes, creating narrow columns of coagulated tissue in the epidermis and dermis. Then the process of natural regeneration is initiated, thanks to which new, healthy tissue is created, which fills columns damaged by coagulation. What is important is the production of new collagen under the influence of the laser. Scar and scar correction treatments are outpatient procedures performed by doctors, during which no needles are used. The best results are obtained in the treatment of fresh stretch marks, i.e. as soon as possible after the occurrence of changes.
Treatments require patience and awareness that it is impossible to eliminate stretch marks completely, but you can significantly improve their appearance, cause that they will be cosmetic, less visible and more aesthetic.
After the treatment, stretch marks do not disappear completely but are smoothed out. The skin becomes smoother. Its tension and firmness improve. To minimize existing stretch marks, you need to perform 5 – 8 treatments.