Tattoo removal methods:
CO2 laser:: evaporation with a beam of laser light – depending on the depth and size of the tattoo can be performed using different modes of laser work (ultrapuls, normalpuls or superpuls). In contact with the hydrated tissue covered with a tattoo dye, bloodless evaporation occurs. The place after evaporation is covered with a scab. Healing by epidermis lasts about 1-2 months. The process of removing a tattoo with a CO2 laser is always associated with its replacement with a scar.
IPL: the mechanism of action is to heat the dye to a very high temperature, which causes the disintegration of the cell in which the dye is contained. After the treatment, a homogeneous dry crust is formed, which undergoes exfoliation within 1-2 months. Currently, this method is rather not used due to the low efficacy in relation to complications (mainly hypertrophic scars).
Surgical excision usually applies to small tattoos located in places with low skin tension. In this case, the treatment is rather disposable, and a small scar is left in the cutting line. Larger tattoos made in places with high skin tension (back, shoulders) can be cut using an expander. The expander is a kind of implant implanted under the skin to stretch it. After a few months, the implant is removed from the tissue, and the excess skin (with the tattoo) is excised.